Conference Sponsorship Opportunities

Conference Sponsorship Opportunities

The British Association for Supported Employment (BASE) is a leading membership charity that champions truly inclusive recruitment practices across the UK.

BASE is at the forefront of advocating for change, and our mission is simple; employment and good careers should be accessible to and achievable for everyone.

Our annual conference in 2024 will build upon the momentum of our earlier call to action of ‘Disability Confidence in Action’ by fostering supportive partnerships, increasing sector knowledge, and inspiring change.

‘Careers for All’ will bring together Business, Education, Social Care, Health, and Policy Makers to advance the conversation around inclusive recruitment and retention. The conference will provide opportunities to hear from leading industry figures and experts by experience , discover the latest evidence base, share what works in embedding Disability Inclusion into the heart of UK business.

Last year’s conference was oversubscribed and we anticipate a similar high demand for this year’s 400 delegate spaces.

Sponsorship with BASE offers a range of benefits, including:

  • brand visibility across conference materials,
  • exhibition space/ display materials
  • speaking opportunities
  • visibility across our social media platform and website

Sponsorship of this conference, signifies your brand's leadership in championing inclusive recruitment practices and dedication to creating a society where everyone has access to meaningful employment opportunities and career pathways.

All sponsorship opportunities come with an ongoing relationship of BASE

The BASE 2024 Conference is more than an event; it's a movement towards creating a world where everyone can work, with the right job and the right support. By becoming a sponsor, your organisation will play a critical role in this transformative journey. Together, we can turn the aspiration of inclusive employment into a reality for individuals across the UK.

Our Conference lead Kerri Moncrieff is looking forward to discussing our sponsorship packages with you, please reach out to her at with your preferred package.

Together, we can make the BASE 2024 Conference a milestone event for inclusion, diversity, and social change.

Sponsorship Packages

Associate Conference Sponsor: 5K+ VAT

  • Two complimentary conference delegate places
  • Opportunity to participate in panel discussion at the conference
  • Display of corporate logo on BASE website and full page advert in conference brochure
  • Display of banners and exhibition space in main reception area
  • Marketing on BASE social media

Conference Dinner: £3K+ VAT

  • Four complimentary conference dinner tickets
  • Display of banners in reception space during conference dinner
  • Display of corporate logo on BASE website
  • Display of logo/brand in conference brochure
  • Marketing on BASE social media

Lived Experience Speaker Sponsor: £2K +VAT

  • One complimentary conference delegate place
  • Display of logo on stage with keynote speaker
  • Shared social media opportunity from speaker to connect to new audience
  • Display of corporate logo on BASE website and conference brochure
  • Marketing on BASE social media

Conference Brochure : £1.5k + VAT

  • One complimentary conference delegate place
  • Corporate logo on BASE website and in conference brochure
  • Exhibition space at the conference
  • Marketing on BASE social media

Award Sponsor Plus : £1k + VAT

  • Two complimentary conference dinner tickets
  • Corporate logo on BASE website and conference brochure
  • Present the award to winner at the conference dinner
  • Exhibition space at the conference
  • Marketing on BASE social media

Award Sponsor : £750+ VAT

  • Two complimentary conference dinner tickets
  • Present the award to winner at the conference dinner
  • Corporate logo on BASE website and conference brochure
  • Marketing on BASE social media