'Careers For All' Speakers

'Careers For All' Speakers

Jamie Shields 

Jamie is a self-described Registered Blind AuDHD Rhino. He says "Rhinos are just chubby unicorns with bad eyesight, don’t believe me, google it! They really do have bad eyesight. I was born with a hereditary eye condition called Ocular Albinism with Nystagmus. Or in non-medical terms, I am the same as an albino, only with pigmentation, and my eyes like to go for uncontrolled walks or dances.

I spent years being Disabled by society. As an adult, I was diagnosed with Autism and ADHD, which finally helped me see things a little clearer, excuse the pun. We live in a society that Disables. A society that views Disability as a problem to solve, rather than part of the human experience and part of the Solution. I am listed as one of the 100 most Influential Disabled People in the UK, I’m an award-winning ERG Lead and I’m named as one of the 50 top DEI practitioners in the UK by Inclusive Employers. Just like a rhino can change an ecosystem I believe Disabled People can change the cultures that Disable us."