Working with Employers

Working with Employers

15/05/24 to 16/05/24

Course dates: 15th & 16th May 2024 (both sessions are 9.30am to 1pm)
Venue: Online (Zoom)
Cost: £240+vat (Members), £295+vat (Non-members)

Book your place now 

This 2-day training workshop has a proven track record of developing the skills and abilities of individual staff members that are trying to engage employers and secure paid jobs for disadvantaged people.  

This course is useful for:  

  • Supported employment service managers and team leaders
  • Practitioners supporting people to find and keep paid employment
  • Education and support staff who are seeking to engage with employers 

The course is designed to improve skills, knowledge and confidence:

  • negotiate successful outcomes and develop relationships with employers
  • learn how to approach employers from the public and private sector
  • learn the arguments to successfully influence employer decisions
  • learn the art of effective networking with employers and partners

Some delegate feedback:

  • “I really enjoyed the training and noted down tons of useful tips”
  • “Rediscovered skills I thought I’d lost, in a supportive learning environment”
  • “The best training I’ve been on in a while – and I’ve been on a lot!!”
  • “The planning, delivery, evaluation and aftercare has been outstanding”