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Lunch & Learn : Job Matching

Join this free lunch and learn session to revisit why it's important to get job matching right. This session is suitable employment advisors, job coaches and supported employment managers and team leaders

In the world of supported employment, we all share a passion for supporting jobseekers into work.

But are we always confident it’s the right job for them.

Are we using the right tools to make sure it’s right for both the jobseeker and the employer?

A new £7.6 million government initiative has been launched to help over 2,000 adults with learning disabilities and autism move into work.

The Local Supported Employment (LSE) initiative is providing grant funding to 24 local authorities in England and Wales, representing an investment of £7.6 million over the next three years.

Each local authority area will support between 60 and 140 adults with learning disabilities, autism or both to move into competitive employment and provide the help they need to maintain that employment.

An average of 91 participants in each local authority are set to benefit from the grant funding and support, which will include assigning job coaches who can carry out vocation profiling, engage employers and provide in-work support to help develop more careers. A total of 22 local authorities in England and two in Wales will benefit from the funding worth £7.6m over the Spending Review period.

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