Supported Employment Quality Framework (Full)

Supported Employment Quality Framework (Full)

The Supported Employment Quality Framework (SEQF) was produced through an ERASMUS project involving BASE and a number of transnational partners:

  • Belgian Association for Supported Employment (SUEM.BE)
  • Irish Association of Supported Employment (IASE)
  • Fundación Emplea
  • Supported Employment Norway (SENO)
  • European Union of Supported Employment (EUSE)

The main objective was of the project was to improve services for vulnerable job seekers, employees and their employers by creating a quality framework for supported employement agencies.


The SEQF links the five basic principles of Supported Employment (client engagement, vocational profiling, job finding, employer engagement on & of job support)  to one or more of the nine EFQM (European Foundation for Quality Management) areas.

It contains a scored self-assessment toolkit for organisations which can be used to prioritise actions to further improve the quality of support offered to jobseekers and employers.

BASE has tested the self-assessment toolkit with a number of BASE members to refine the product and a shorter model fidelity version was developed in 2018 which is now being used as part of the Local Supported Employment Initiative.